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Self-Healing & Self-Realization are the main theme of Ayurveda, foundation is that people can "adequately" educate themselves to take control of their health at Home. This is achieved by consulting qualified Ayurvedic doctor. Vaidya ##monitors( Vitals (vaayu), Appetite (Agni), Sleep (nidra) and balancing one's nutritional(ahara) and lifestyle(vihara) habits to heal(swasthya), prevent illness (roga), and develop longevity (rasayana).
"Ayurveda recognizes that people are best part of Chatushpada"
One's intuition is better at discerning subtle health (bodies intelligence) than relying, but guidance, healthcare helps to take a informed decisions on health measures adapted by an individual.
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The wisdom encapsulated in these verses is a compass for holistic well-being.
Satva, Atma, Shareera are
By understanding the impermanence of situations, acknowledging the unity within ourselves, and fostering a clear understanding of the world, we establish a foundation for a harmonious coexistence of mind, body, and the intricate dance of existence.
कालबुद्धीन्द्रियार्थानां योगो मिथ्या न चाति च|
द्वयाश्रयाणां व्याधीनां त्रिविधो हेतुसङ्ग्रहः||
In our existence, various factors shapes life but Charaka categorizes these three i.e.,
Time (Kala)
Wisdom (Buddhi)
Sensory objects (Indriya-artha)
"Our health depends on how we understand the world"
Essence for All Humanity:
Life is a mix of the present moment, our desires, and how we perceive the world. To live well, it's important to appreciate the now, be mindful of our desires, and understand the world around us with clarity.
In a world buzzing with constant change, We must navigate it with mindfulness. Recognizing the impermanence of situations, understanding the influence of desires on our judgments, and perceiving reality through clear, unclouded senses can lead to a path of inner peace.
Above concepts/words you read are just tip of an iceberg, where ayurveda knowledge is so deep about ones self.
Ayurveda is not only a system of medicine but also a way of life. It teaches us how to live in harmony with ourselves, with others, and with nature.
Here are some of the basic concepts of Ayurveda that form the basis of its diagnosis and treatment:
The five great elements that make up everything in the universe, including our body, they are:
a. Earth (Prithvi): This element represents solidity and stability. In the context of the human body, it corresponds to the physical structure and form.
b. Water (Jala): Water embodies fluidity and cohesion. In the body, it signifies bodily fluids, such as blood and lymph.
c. Fire (Agni): Fire symbolizes transformation and heat. In the human body, it relates to processes like digestion and metabolism.
d. Air (Vayu): Air represents movement and motion. In the body, it's associated with activities like respiration and circulation.
e. Space (Akasha): Ether or space embodies the concept of spaciousness and openness. While it's not a physical element, it represents the space within the body.
Each element has its own qualities and characteristics that influence our physical, mental, and emotional health.
but curious! aren't you? it is not just ayurvedic remedies, it focuses more on what makes up the health, not limiting to health supplement's. Need the best! consult ayurvedic practitioner.
The three vital energies or humors that govern our physiology and psychology.
They are vata, pitta, and kapha. Each dosha is derived from a combination of two elements:
1. Vata (air + space)
2. Pitta (fire + water)
3. Kapha (earth + water)
Each dosha has its own functions and attributes that affect our digestion, metabolism, circulation, respiration, mood, and behavior.
The human body is composed of seven primary tissues which are known as Dhatu.
Each dhatu represents various functions, together contribute to body's structure and function.
They are interdependent on many factors like food, sleep and lifestyle. which ensures that each building block is adequately nourished and supported, contributing to the body's overall well-being.
Specific role of Dhatu in maintaining overall health are:
The quality and health of each Dhatu are influenced by the balance of the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and the five elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether).
Any imbalance in the doshas or elements can affect the quality of the tissues, potentially leading to health issues.
"agni" plays a vital role in the process of digestion and transformation of the dhatus. Agni refers to the digestive fire or metabolic processes within the body. It is responsible for breaking down the food we consume and converting it into the necessary substances for nourishing the dhatus.
Agni is often described as a key factor in maintaining the balance of the doshas and the overall health of an individual. There are several types of agni in Ayurveda, including:
The strength and efficiency of agni are crucial in ensuring the proper formation and maintenance of each dhatu.
If agni is weak or imbalanced, it can lead to incomplete digestion, accumulation of toxins (ama), and ultimately impact the quality and health of the dhatus causing various lifestyle diseases.
Therefore, in Ayurveda, maintaining a balanced and strong agni is a fundamental aspect of overall health and well-being. Various Ayurvedic practices, dietary choices, and lifestyle adjustments are aimed at nurturing agni to ensure the harmonious creation and sustenance of the body's tissues and, by extension, the individual's health.
Ayurveda, an ancient holistic healing system originating from India, offers a profound approach to health and well-being. Rooted in the belief that optimal health encompasses the balance of mind, body, and spirit, Ayurveda provides a comprehensive framework for understanding individual constitution, dietary guidelines, lifestyle practices, and natural remedies. By emphasizing prevention, personalized care, and the use of herbs, Ayurveda aims to restore harmony within the body, promote vitality, and support overall wellness. With its rich history and time-tested principles, Ayurveda offers a holistic path towards achieving and maintaining optimal health in a natural and sustainable way.
#Ayurveda #Panchamahabhoota, #Tridosha
Bhasma: is a unique preparation in Ayurveda. It involves the calcination/conversion of various solid metal/minerals, or herbal ingredients to obtain a nanoparticles with medicinal value.
Bhasma is highly revered for its therapeutic properties and is believed to possess potent healing effects when used appropriately under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.
eg., Iron nano-particles(Lauha Bhasma) in bio-assimable form is used to treat iron-defeciency anemia
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